Client News Coverage

Ensuring Effective Isolation Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, March 16, 2012.

An effective isolation management strategy is directly linked to the rapid identification of ‘isolation’ patients and includes timely and efficient cohorting, such as assigning two patients with MRSA to the same room, as well as 24/7 real-time communication of this information throughout the hospital. By closing information gaps related to isolation patients, hospitals are able to maximize efficiency of inpatient flow.

The Clinical Services Journal»

MedHOK Enhances Quality Improvement Initiatives for Simply Healthcare

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, March 05, 2012.

MedHOK recently announced that Simple Healthcare, a Florida-based HMO, has deployed its MedHOK platform for optimizing its quality improvement initiatives. By deploying this innovative and integrated care management platform, Simply Healthcare has enhanced its capability to improve quality outcomes and bring down costs for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).

HealthTech Zone»

Wolters Kluwer Talks Order Sets for CDS

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, March 02, 2012.

As providers prepare for the shift from fee for service to a payment model that’s based more on performance, they’re turning to tech that can help with clinical decision support (CDS), or software that can help guide them toward determining a patient’s diagnosis. Information services company Wolters Kluwer has a health division that created a CDS tool called ProVation Order Sets. Here’s Vice President of Clinical Development and Informatics-Clinical Solutions for ProVation Medical Dr. Steve Claypool at HIMSS12 to explain. You’ll also hear from Dr. Michael West of ThedaCare, a seven-hospital system in Wisconsin, and he’ll talk about why ThedaCare chose to implement ProVation’s order sets.

Health 2.0 News»

Clearing the Air Around Cloud Computing

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

Before cloud computing, there was software-as-a-service computing, which was a lot like its predecessor the application service provider model, which bore many similarities to remotely-hosted apps, which was akin to its predecessor, Web-based computing.

Health Data Management»

Which Way for Data Exchanges?

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

John Norenberg, vice president of physician services for Chicago-based Advocate Health Care, faces a common industry dilemma-from the health system perspective at least. "We need to exchange data with affiliated physicians," he says. "And we need to do it in a way that's very flexible." Advocate's physician network is broad-with nearly 5,000 doctors admitting to Advocate's 12 hospitals, which run a Cerner inpatient electronic health record.

Health Data Management»

EHR Certification Proposal Stresses Interoperability

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, March 01, 2012.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has posted its Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) for 2014 certification of electronic health record (EHR) technology. While the NPRM supports CMS' proposed Meaningful Use Stage 2 requirements in many different ways, its most important objective—and the linchpin of MU Stage 2 as well—is to increase the ability of EHRs to communicate with one another.

Information Week Healthcare»

5 tips for getting involved in health information exchanges

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, February 29, 2012.

Taming the Master Patient Index Management Tiger

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, February 27, 2012.

Sharon Regional Health System faced a dilemma after completing a comprehensive master patient index cleanup in preparation for its new electronic health record system. While the cleanup had eliminated existing duplicate records from the system, limited internal resources and manual processes meant that maintaining a clean MPI would be an ongoing challenge — one shared by many facilities.

Becker's Hospital Review»

Governance + Technology = Advancing Evidence-Based Medicine

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, February 27, 2012.

The use of point-of-care decision support technology in hospitals is key to successfully accelerating the adoption of clinical best practices. Physician champions and hospital executives have realized that without a fast and reliable way of standardizing care to support use of the latest evidence, the potential for raising the bar on quality initiatives is minimized at best.

Executive Insight»

Tracking Quality Measures

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, February 14, 2012.

National quality initiatives are raising the bar on performance. Are specialty centers ready?

The quality agenda in gastroenterology has gained new momentum in recent years. As the specialty pursues improved quality, better patient outcomes and lower cost of care, endoscopy centers are under increased pressure to track, report and benchmark key quality and performance measures.

Executive Insight»

GIQuIC Readiness: Equipping Endoscopy Centers to Maximize the Potential of National Quality Initiatives

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, February 06, 2012.

It's a new day for quality reporting in ambulatory surgery centers. Many have already recognized the benefits and are engaged in tracking and improving performance indicators. For the others, reality is about to arrive as federal regulations take effect that now up the ante for all ASCs.

Becker's ASC Review»

High Stakes for Finance in Transition to ICD-10

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, February 01, 2012.

October 1, 2013 marks the day that healthcare organizations must comply with the most significant–and underestimated–mandate in recent history.  That is the date by which hospitals, health systems, physician practices, insurance companies and any other organization covered by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) must have completed their transition to the ICD-10 code set.

Kforce Kronicle»

Taking CDS to the Next Level for Medication Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, January 31, 2012.

Consider the following scenario. A patient in a hospital acquires pneumonia. When the attending physician enters an order for the antibiotic ceftriaxone, an alert pops up indicating that the patient is allergic to the medication. Based on the information provided, the physician chooses another appropriate medication.

Patient Safety & Quality Healthcare»

3 reasons to let HIE customers define services

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, January 23, 2012.

Long-term sustainability is one of the critical challenges facing health information exchange (HIE) initiatives. In its recent report, 2011 Report on Health Information Exchange: Sustainable HIE in a Changing Landscape, eHealth Initiative identified just 24 out of the 196 active HIEs around the country that categorized themselves as sustainable.

Government Health IT»

Outlook 2012: Whatever ACA’s Legal Outcome, ACOs Will Survive in Medicare

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, January 12, 2012.

Medicare’s ACO programs, which are tied to the Affordable Care Act, could find themselves in a vulnerable position in 2012, with both a Supreme Court decision on the reform statute and potential budget cuts looming on the horizon. But some say that no matter what the legal and political outcomes are next year, ACOs will find a way to survive in the Medicare space.

AIS Health»