Client News Coverage

Heat Biologics Has Upped the Ante for its IPO

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, August 02, 2013.

Chapel Hill-based Heat Biologics has upped the amount of money it hopes to raise in an initial public offering of stock.

Separately, website is anticipating that Heat Biologics will price its shares after the market closes on July 24. That would mean that shares would start trading the following day.

 News Observer»

HIE Participation Doesn't Create Test Savings, Study Says

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, August 02, 2013.

The use of health information exchanges (HIEs) in ambulatory care is unlikely to produce significant cost savings through reductions in rates of testing, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) concludes. But the researchers emphasized that there may be other economic benefits of HIE from "downstream outcomes of better informed, higher quality care."


Information Week»

CIO: Pay Physician Testers, Accelerate CPOE Meaningful Use Compliance

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, August 02, 2013.

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Ed Ricks, CIO at Beaufort (S.C.) Memorial Hospital, has one piece of advice for his peers struggling to get computerized physician order entry systems online to enable CPOE meaningful use compliance: Pay a group of physicians to test the system before you roll it out in your facility.


Search Health IT»

Stop Losing Revenue From 5 Common ASC Billing Mistakes

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, August 02, 2013.

Here are five common mistakes made in ambulatory surgery centers that result in increased denials and decreased revenue.


Becker's ASC Review»

No Internet? No problem: Ensuring Access to Clinical Decision Support Even When Internet is Spotty or Nonexistent

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, August 01, 2013.

Studies have found that two out of three clinical encounters generate a question, yet only 40 percent of those questions are answered. If they were all addressed, it could change up to eight management decisions each day – a clinically significant impact.


Health Management Technology»

Patients See Higher Bills After Doctors Sell Practices

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, August 01, 2013.

The doctor might be the same, but her bill's going to be higher.

A strong trend of hospitals buying up physicians practices as well as hospital mergers is threatening to also drive up costs to patients—at least in the short term.



A 'Do It Yourself' Approach to EMR Implementation

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, July 26, 2013.

My decision to transition Town & Country Pediatrics to a digital practice was influenced by the desire to increase patient safety, chart more efficiently, automate prescribing and billing processes, and enhance profitability. My practice is ineligible for meaningful use, therefore any increase in value would have to be realized from productivity enhancements, improved revenues and reduced costs rather than incentive funds.


Healthsense Acquires WellAware Systems

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, July 03, 2013.

Mendota Heights, Minn.-based Healthsense has added increased monitoring capabilities to technologies it offers to long-term care and other senior-services providers with the acquisition on July 1 of WellAware Systems in Glen Allen, Va.

Modern Healthcare»

Clinical decision support: Laying an effective foundation for the future of care delivery

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, June 10, 2013.

Healthcare providers are knee-deep in Stage 2 Meaningful Use (MU) preparations as they press forward to qualify for incentives in a timely fashion. Moving past the initial Stage 1 focus on “data capture and sharing” within an electronic health record (EHR), the mission of Stage 2 points to more advanced clinical processes, laying a foundation for Stage 3’s focus on improved outcomes.

Drug Topics»

Twelve Mobile Apps for Your Medical Practice

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, June 03, 2013.

Another recent and notable app is UpToDate MobileComplete for iOS and Android devices, or Windows 8 media tablets. Though the MobileComplete is pricier than its free version (UptoDate), it offers content for more than 20 specialties (including more than 10,000 topic reviews). It also comes with features that allow users to get to information quickly, including persistent log-in, suggested search terms, and mobile-optimized calculators.

Physicians Practice» 

Smart EMRs & CDS

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, May 29, 2013.

The following video embed is from an interview with Sean Benson and Andre L’Heureux from Wolters Kluwer Health.The two discuss the gap or white space between EMR software and what clinicians want them to do. They also talk about the challenge of integrating EMR with CDS systems and what what EMR vendors could do to make the Smart EMR of the future possible. Their answer was quite interesting. Finally, they wrapped up the conversation with a look at the WKH Innovation Lab’s sepsis project.


ICD-10: Beyond IT and HIM

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, May 17, 2013.

For many hospitals and health networks, the transition to ICD-10 is the single greatest challenge in the current healthcare landscape, trumping both the formation of accountable care organizations (ACOs) and Meaningful Use compliance in terms of scope and reach. That is primarily because, unlike these other programs, the transition to ICD-10 is mandatory.

ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals»

Structuring for the Future of Clinical Decision Support (CDS)

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, May 10, 2013.

Clinical decision support tools (CDS) play an increasingly critical role in a healthcare organization’s overarching strategy to comply with federal incentive programs and succeed within the quality- and performance-based reimbursement landscape currently unfolding. When effectively aligned with physician documentation practices at the point of care, these tools can have a powerful impact on error reduction, the standardization of evidence-based practices, quality of care and ultimately saving lives.

Hospital EMR & EHR»

Navigating the Clinical Knowledge Management Challenge

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, April 30, 2013.

The volume of complex clinical information being collected by hospitals and health systems has exploded in recent years, as have the types of clinical decision support (CDS) tools that use this information to drive clinical improvement. From order sets and care plans to prescribing guidance and CDS rules, healthcare organizations today bear the responsibility of ensuring the clinical knowledge they have amassed is properly delivered and properly maintained.

Executive Insight»

Jumpstarting an Antimicrobial Stewardship Program

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, April 29, 2013.

The threat of increased incidence of antibiotic-resistant strains is well understood in the healthcare industry, creating urgency to combat antimicrobial resistance on the local, regional and national levels. For many, the effort begins with the introduction of an antimicrobial stewardship program, an investment of resources that many healthcare experts believe can deliver benefits that far outweigh the cost.

Becker's Clinical Quality & Infection Control»