Wolters Kluwer Health Announces Integration with MEDITECH

Posted in Press Releases on Wednesday, May 16, 2012.

ProVation® Order Sets solution will deliver clinical decision support to MEDITECH users

MINNEAPOLIS, MN – May 16, 2012 – Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that it has signed an agreement with MEDITECH to offer integration between MEDITECH version 5.64 (Client/Server and MAGIC) and ProVation® Order Sets, powered by UpToDate® Decision Support. This integration enables hospitals to author order sets via the ProVation software, then make finished order sets available to physicians in MEDITECH’s Physician Care Manager application through an automated process.

ProVation Order Sets, powered by UpToDate Decision Support, is an easily customizable order set authoring and management solution that provides flexible integration into clinical processes to streamline the delivery of standardized care for improved patient safety, outcomes, clinician performance and regulatory compliance. ProVation Order Sets is built upon ProVation Medical’s award-winning, clinician-designed technology platform. A key benefit is continuous updating of clinical content and medical evidence, including direct links to UpToDate, the resource of choice for more than 600,000 users worldwide.

MEDITECH provides integrated EHR solutions to meet the information needs of healthcare organizations around the world. A global leader in the electronic healthcare records industry, MEDITECH understands the complexities of healthcare organizations and develops the informatics tools needed to deliver patient care safely and efficiently. From large integrated delivery networks to community hospitals, MEDITECH EHR solutions support the entire continuum of healthcare, including physician practices, clinics, hospitals, home health agencies, long-term care and behavioral health facilities.

“The greatest benefits of the integration with our MEDITECH and ProVation Order Set systems are the direct linking to evidence from UpToDate and the timely updates to links and evidence,” said Pam Wetzel, M.D., CMIO, SwedishAmerican Hospital. “The overall effect is increased usability of both systems, and the assurance that our orders can be maintained based on a trusted and relevant source of evidence.”

MEDITECH and Wolters Kluwer Health completed integration work through a collaborative effort that utilized MEDITECH’s interface specifications.  Integration capability has been client tested, with users successfully exporting order sets from ProVation into MEDITECH Client/Server and MAGIC version 5.64.

“MEDITECH is a recognized leader in CPOE, and an integral part of the health IT plans of our many joint hospital clients,” said Mike Haldane, Vice President and General Manager, Clinical Documentation, Wolters Kluwer Health Clinical Solutions. “We are very pleased to have completed this integration with MEDITECH’s Physician Care Manager.”

About ProVation Medical

ProVation® Medical provides procedure documentation and clinical decision support solutions for hospitals and Ambulatory Surgery Centers. ProVation MD, ProVation MultiCaregiver and ProVation EHR software reduce transcription, paper storage and image printing costs and deliver a high Return on Investment (ROI). ProVation® Order Sets, powered by UpToDate Decision Support, put evidence-based healthcare into practice by establishing and maintaining standards of care.

ProVation® Medical is part of Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information, business intelligence and point-of-care solutions for the healthcare industry. Wolters Kluwer Health is part of Wolters Kluwer, a market-leading global information services company with 2011 annual revenues of €3.4 billion ($4.7 billion).


MEDITECH has been the leader in the EHR industry since 1969. MEDITECH's applications unify clinical, administrative, and financial information across the healthcare continuum, including acute care, long-term care, home health care, and physician practices. Today, more than 2,300 institutions worldwide use MEDITECH's information systems. For additional information on MEDITECH products and services, visit www.meditech.com.

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