
Reaping the Benefits of Electronic Patient Referral

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, March 07, 2011.

Approximately 22 million people are referred to another doctor by a physician each year, according to data compiled by San Francisco-based electronic health records (EHR) provider Practice Fusion. But only 16% of primary care providers surveyed said they use an electronic process to send patient records for referrals, according to poll by Growth Survey Research Practice Fusion.

Physician's Money Digest»

Reaping the Benefits of Electronic Patient Referral

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, March 07, 2011.

Approximately 22 million people are referred to another doctor by a physician each year, according to data compiled by San Francisco-based electronic health records (EHR) provider Practice Fusion. But only 16% of primary care providers surveyed said they use an electronic process to send patient records for referrals, according to poll by Growth Survey Research Practice Fusion.

Physician's Money Digest»

Outsourcing MPI Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, March 02, 2011.

Effective master patient index (MPI) management is a critical element of any hospital's data integrity strategy, ensuring that patient information is clean, accurate and duplicate-free when used for any aspect of care or administration. Further, high-quality data enhances care, quality and safety.

Advance for Health Information Professionals»

Riverside Community Hospital Selects ProVation Medical Software for Procedure Documentation and Coding

Posted in Press Releases on Thursday, February 24, 2011.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN —February 24, 2011 — Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that Riverside Community Hospital has selected its ProVation® MD software for gastroenterology procedure documentation and coding.

IMO® Announces End-of-Year Release of IMO® Problem ITwith ICD-10-CM Codes Available

Posted in Press Releases on Monday, February 21, 2011.

Early release, announced at HIMSS11 (Booth #3517), will ease vendor, provider transition to expanded code set

ORLANDO, Fla. – Feb. 21, 2011 – Health IT vendors that partner with Intelligent Medical Objects® (IMO®) will have access to the firm’s much anticipated release of  IMO® Problem IT™ with ICD-10-CM codes, available for integration in electronic health record (EHRs) by October 2011 – two  years ahead of the mandated October 2013 compliance deadline. In doing so, IMO addresses concerns of HIT vendors and provider organizations alike by providing access to ICD-10-CM terminology with ample time to complete system integration and iron out any issues prior to release to end users.

ScriptRx to Integrate Medi-Span® Clinical into Emergency Room, Urgent Care EMR and Discharge Systems

Posted in Press Releases on Monday, February 21, 2011.

Wolters Kluwer Health announces ScriptRx’s selection of its medication decision support system during HIMSS11 (Booth #6162)

ORLANDO -- (Feb. 21, 2011) -- Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that ScriptRx, Inc. will integrate Medi-Span® Clinical into its line of touch-screen EMR and discharge systems for emergency rooms and urgent care centers. The agreement was announced at HIMSS11, where Wolters Kluwer Health is featuring several of its leading clinical decision support (CDS) tools, including Medi-Span Clinical, in Booth #6162.

HealthPlan Holdings Appoints New Executives to American Benefit Plan Administrators

Posted in Press Releases on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

New CIO, COO join leadership team of HPH’s union trust business

TAMPA, Fla. – Feb. 15, 2011 – HealthPlan Holdings (HPH) announced today two executive appointments to its union trust business, American Benefit Plan Administrators, Inc. (ABPA), one of the nation’s largest and most technologically advanced third-party administrators. Joining ABPA are Richard Leopold as chief information officer (CIO) and Richard Campagna as chief operating officer (COO).

Outsourcing MPI Management

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, February 15, 2011.

The outsourcing concept is gaining traction as a way to reduce costs, improve data integrity.

Effective master patient index (MPI) management is a critical element of any hospital's data integrity strategy, ensuring that patient information is clean, accurate and duplicate-free when used for any aspect of care or administration. Further, high-quality data enhances care, quality and safety.

Executive Insights»

Southern Ohio Medical Center to Deploy ProVation Medical Software for Cardiology Procedure Documentation and Coding

Posted in Press Releases on Thursday, February 03, 2011.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (February 3, 2011) – Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that Southern Ohio Medical Center will deploy its ProVation® MD software for cardiology procedure documentation and coding in the hospital’s cardiac catheterization lab.

Value-Based Purchasing, RAC Fuel Drive to Improve Documentation

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, February 03, 2011.

Harnessing clinical data to advance patient care is seen as the ultimate goal

Whether it's the migration to value-based purchasing and pay for performance, increased scrutiny under the federal recovery audit contractor program or simply achieving internal benchmarks, pressure is mounting on hospitals to improve clinical documentation.

Hospitals & Health Networks»

HealthPlan Services Announces Partnership with Beazley Accident & Health Insurance

Posted in Press Releases on Wednesday, February 02, 2011.

TAMPA, Fla. – Feb. 2, 2011 – HealthPlan Services, (HPS), the nation’s leading technology and administrative services provider for the insurance and managed care markets, announced today that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Beazley Accident & Health Insurance to provide comprehensive business process services.

HealthPlan Services Marks Long Term Participation, Continued Support of ICMG with Gold Sponsorship Renewal

Posted in Press Releases on Tuesday, January 25, 2011.

TAMPA, Fla. – Jan. 25, 2011 – HealthPlan Services (HPS), the nation’s leading technology and administrative services provider for the insurance and managed care markets, has demonstrated its unwavering support of and long term commitment to the Inter-Company Marketing Group (ICMG) by renewing its status as a Gold Sponsor.

St. Joseph Medical Center Selects ProVation Medical Software for Procedure Documentation and Coding

Posted in Press Releases on Tuesday, January 25, 2011.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (January 25, 2011) — Wolters Kluwer Health, a leading global provider of information for healthcare professionals and students, announced today that St. Joseph Medical Center has selected its ProVation® MD software for gastroenterology procedure documentation and coding.

Gold from the Mine

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, January 14, 2011.

Healthcare IT and Clinician Leaders Make Evidence-Based Care a Reality

Healthcare IT leaders nationwide are moving forward steadily to introduce evidence-based care tools into clinician workflows, both with regard to the development of order sets in computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems, as well as in the context of the medical diagnosis process. As they advance in these areas, they are finding that building everything from scratch is simply too labor-intensive a prospect. And as hospitals and medical groups turn increasingly to the commercially sponsored offerings available, they are finding the insertion of evidence-based decision support to be a plus in winning doctors over to CPOE adoption.

Healthcare Informatics»

CardFlex, Inc. Expands Innovative Financial Service Offerings to Direct Response Industry with Launch of Media Funding

Posted in Press Releases on Friday, January 14, 2011.

Program provides direct response marketers with affordable bridge funding for media buys

COSTA MESA, Calif. –Jan. 14, 2011 – CardFlex Inc., a financial services and payment solution company, today announced a new program designed to provide flexible funding options that enable direct response marketers to expand their media buying power. The CardFlex Media Funding program provides bridge funds for acquiring commercial time on local and national media outlets, including television, radio, print and online, as well as for viral marketing and other promotional programs.