
ICYMI During Nurses Week

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, May 30, 2019.

It’s time for our morning rounds! ICYMI – here are some more stories in celebration of National Nurses Week which was May 6 – 10 this month.


Healthcare NOW Radio»


Words of inspiration from Wolters Kluwer nurses

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, May 13, 2019.

Words of inspiration from Wolters Kluwer nurses


Lippinscott Nursing Center»

Celebrate the Next Generation of Nurses—and Position them for Success

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, May 07, 2019.

When we think about new nursing graduates entering the workforce, many of us who have been in the profession for a while envisioning a group of young, eager, women and men. While that may be true, today’s graduates are so much more and can be characterized by a whole new set of life experiences and influences than previous generations.


Elite Healthcare»


A Culture of Learning: Why Today’s Nurses Deserve the Best Onboarding and Education Available

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, May 06, 2019.

Have you thanked a nurse today? Or any day, for that matter?


If not, you now have an entire week to make up for lost time. National Nurses Week 2019 runs May 6 through 12 and celebrates the innumerable contributions nurses make each day. This year’s theme is “4 Million Reasons to Celebrate,” pointing to the 4 million registered nurses licensed in the United States and the vast contributions they bring to care delivery.


Electronic Health Reporter»


VirtualHealth’s HELIOS Platform Achieves NCQA Prevalidation For Population Health Management

Posted in Press Releases on Tuesday, April 16, 2019.

NEW YORK – APRIL 16, 2019 – VirtualHealth, the leading provider of population health and care management technologies, today announced its HELIOS platform has received Population Health Management (PHM) Prevalidation from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for 2019 standards—a notable achievement that empowers the company’s clients to meet new NCQA accreditation requirements.

Improving Costs and Outcomes Across Complex and Vulnerable Populations

Posted in Client News Coverage on Monday, March 18, 2019.

Coordinated care is an essential part of redefining the future of healthcare. A single integrated ecosystem means we can finally optimize healthcare decisions and be proactive rather than waiting for the patient to knock on the doctor’s door. Unfortunately, forward momentum is not that simple with the steady rise in healthcare costs impacting the success of technology. Perhaps these rising costs have also served as a catalyst for notable increases in the number of Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollees between 2004 and 2017—tripling from 5.3 million to 19 million. The Congressional Budget Office projects MA enrollees to reach 37% of the population by 2020 and 42% of the population by 2028.


The American Journal of Managed Care» 

Open vs Closed IoT Platforms – Industry Perspectives from HIMSS 2019

Posted in Client News Coverage on Saturday, March 02, 2019.

While at HIMSS 2019, I asked a number of people I met with to provide some industry perspectives and insights. Basically, tell me something that I don’t know or tell me something that not enough people were talking about. I got a wide variety of perspectives and insights. This week we’ll be highlighting a series of four insights. First up is a look at open vs closed IoT platforms.


Health IT Today»

HID Global Drives the Healthcare IoT with Location Services Platform

Posted in Client News Coverage on Friday, March 01, 2019.

HID Global, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, opens this week’s HIMSS with a powerful line-up of new and recently-announced strategic collaborations and solutions that are fueling the healthcare IoT. Attendees will learn how the HID Location Services IoT platform is improving clinical workflows and operational compliance; providing better collaboration and clinician safety; and delivering enhanced condition monitoring of temperature-sensitive or perishable vaccines and other bio-medical assets.


HIT Leaders and News»


IoT: A Better Healthcare Identification Strategy

Posted in Client News Coverage on Wednesday, February 27, 2019.

Hospitals face countless logistics, compliance, and safety hurdles every day. Expensive equipment goes missing or maintenance schedules delayed in searching for assets. Patients and visitors get lost trying to navigate a hospital’s corridors. Security personnel scramble to locate a clinical staff member who triggered a duress alert. Small instances that slip through the cracks, like a nurse not washing his or her hands before administering treatment, can have lasting consequences for patient safety and hospital management.


Health Data Answers»

HID Global Releases IoT-Based Duress Badge for Hospitals

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, February 21, 2019.

The BEEKs duress badge beacon can be centrally managed through the Cloud to transfer new messages, send firmware updates and conduct battery status checks remotely.

AUSTIN, Texas — HID Global announces the launch of its BEEKs duress badge beacon, which it says can be used to protect doctors, nurses and other caregivers from threatening situations that can occur in a hospital.

These badges, enabled by Bluvision (part of HID Global), provide valuable location services and can help ensure everyone is safely out of a building in emergency situations, according to the company.


Security Sales and Integration»

HIMSS 2019: Focus on Interoperability, Cloud and Innovation

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, February 21, 2019.

In February, more than 45,000 people descended on Orlando for the Healthcare Information and Management Society (HIMSS) annual conference. Often compared to the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), HIMSS is kind of the CES of the healthcare IT world. And much like CES, innovation, AI, cloud and security were themes heard over and over at the event.




IoT Beacons Help Keep Doctors, Hosp Staff Safe from Workplace Violence

Posted in Client News Coverage on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.

HID Global, a leader in trusted identity solutions, and Winner in the 2018 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, has launched the company’s new BEEKs Duress Badge Beacon which addresses the growing need to protect doctors, nurses and other caregivers, from threatening situations that arise in the hospital environment.


American Security Today»

HID Global and Mist Systems Collaborate on Location Services using Bluetooth LE for IoT

Posted in Client News Coverage on Saturday, February 16, 2019.

HID Global, trusted identity solutions company, and Mist Systems, a maker of self-learning wireless networks powered by artificial intelligence (AI), recently announced that the two companies are working together to converge Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-based location services with Wireless LAN (WLAN) infrastructure for better deployment, management, and operations of IoT devices.


IoT Evolution World»


HID Global and Mist Systems collaborate to drive innovation for IoT

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, February 14, 2019.

HID Global, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions, and Mist Systems, a pioneer in self-learning wireless networks powered by artificial intelligence (AI), announced that the two companies are working together to converge Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-based location services with Wireless LAN (WLAN) infrastructure for better deployment, management, and operations of IoT devices.




HID Global and Phunware collaborate to improve wayfinding for patients and visitors within hospitals

Posted in Client News Coverage on Thursday, February 14, 2019.

HID Global and Phunware, Inc., announced their collaboration to improve the experience for hospital patients and visitors to find their way within medical facilities, using wayfinding on their mobile phones.  Wayfinding is indoor navigation to guide a person step-by-step on the way to a desired destination.


Healthcare Purchasing News»